apomixis|apomixes in English


asexual reproductio

Use "apomixis|apomixes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "apomixis|apomixes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "apomixis|apomixes", or refer to the context using the word "apomixis|apomixes" in the English Dictionary.

1. As nouns the difference between apomixis and Agamospermy is that apomixis is (botany) plant

2. The advantage of Apomixis w …

3. What are synonyms for Apomixis?

4. Agamospermy is thus type of apomixis.

5. Non-recurrent Apomixis: Plants that undergo Nonrecurrent Apomixis have a megaspore mother cell that form a haploid

6. Synonyms for Apomixis in Free Thesaurus

7. Apomixis is a synonym of Agamospermy

8. When Apomixis is the only method of reproduction in a plant species, it is known as obligate Apomixis.

9. When sexual reproduction does occur, the Apomixis

10. Vegetative Apomixis: In this type of Apomixis, flowers are commonly replaced by some bulbils or various other types of propagules

11. Apomixis - any of several kinds of reproduction without fertilization

12. The hallmark components of Apomixis include female gamete

13. In Apomixis, sexual reproduction in either suppressed or absent

14. Apomixis Seeds are formed but the embryos develop without fertilization

15. Apomixis, Agamospermy, Asexual Reproduction, Fertilized Egg, Polyembryony, Sexual Reproduction

16. The main difference between Apomixis and parthenocarpy is that Apomixis is the production of seeds without fertilization whereas parthenocarpy is the production of fruits without seeds

17. Apomixis, or asexual seed reproduction (agamospermy), is especially frequent among angiosperms

18. Apomixis is the replacement of normal sexual reproduction by asexual reproduction

19. In plants, another form of Apomixis also occurs, in which the …

20. Apomixis can be divided in two main types, gametophytic and sporophytic

21. Apomixis the development of an embryo in plants without FERTILIZATION or MEIOSIS

22. 6 words related to Apomixis: apogamy, agamogenesis, asexual reproduction, parthenocarpy, parthenogenesis, parthenogeny

23. Apomixis is reproduction where only one parent passes genes to the offspring

24. Apomixis can be best described as the reference to the asexual process.

25. ‘Pollen quality may be correlated with male fertility and Apomixis.’ ‘Only one plant in the Apomixis treatment developed two ovules.’ ‘Most published work on poaceae is devoted to plant breeding issues, since Apomixis - which allows hybrids to breed true - is as valuable a trait in plant breeding as in population biology.’